Q: Can I ask for a bond from the tenant? How should the amount of the bond be determined?

A: Yes, you can ask for a bond from the tenant. The amount of the bond should be a reasonable proportion of the rent, generally one month of rent.


Q: Do tenants need to purchase rental insurance?

A: Tenants need to purchase rental insurance to protect their own contents. Landlords can also purchase home insurance and landlord insurance to protect the property.


Q: How do I handle tenant breaches of contract?

A: Landlords can specify breach of contract liability in the contract, such as breach of contract fines or early termination of the lease. If the tenant violates legal regulations or damages the safety and hygiene of the house, the landlord can apply for compulsory enforcement.


Q: Can I increase the rent during the lease term?

A: Generally, landlords can only increase the rent once every 12 months. The rent increase must also follow specific legal procedures.


Q: What happens if a tenant is behind on rent?

A: If a tenant is behind on rent, the landlord can issue a notice to vacate, apply to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) for an order of possession, or seek compensation for the unpaid rent.


Q: Can I terminate a lease early?

A: Yes, but the landlord must have a valid reason for terminating the lease, such as breach of contract by the tenant.


Q: Can I sell the property while it is being leased?

A: Yes, but the landlord must give the tenant proper notice and allow the tenant to continue to occupy the property until the end of the lease term.


Q: Can I enter the property while it is being leased?

A: Landlords must give the tenant reasonable notice before entering the property followed by legal procedure.


Q: How do I deal with disputes with tenants?

A: Landlords can try to resolve disputes with tenants through negotiation or mediation.


Q: How much notice do I need to give a tenant before ending a lease?

A: The amount of notice required to end a lease depends on the reason for ending it. If the tenant has breached the lease, the landlord may be able to end the lease immediately. Otherwise, the landlord must give the tenant a specific amount of notice with reasons allowed under tenancy act, such as 60 days, before ending the lease.


Q: Who is responsible for maintaining the property?

A: Generally, the landlord is responsible for maintaining the property in good condition, while the tenant is responsible for keeping it clean and tidy.


Q: Can I evict a tenant without going to court?

A: No, landlords cannot evict tenants without going through the proper legal process, which usually involves going to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) and obtaining an order of possession.


 Q: What is the lease term?

A: The lease term is typically one year, but there may be options for shorter or longer leases.


Q: What do I need to do when the lease term ends?

A: If you seek to vacate the property at the end of current fixed term agreement and not enter into a fixed term agreement, you must give written notice of intention to vacate the premises specifying a termination date that is not less than 28-days after the day on which the renter gives notice to your Property Manager. If you have a fixed term agreement, your 28-day notice vacating date can't be before the end date of the fixed term.


Q: Can I make some modifications in the property?

A: You must seek the rental provider’s consent before installing any other fixtures or additions. At the end of the agreement, must restore the premises to the condition it was in before they moved in. This includes removing all modifications, unless the parties agree they do not need to be removed.


Q: What should I do if I have maintenance issues?

A: If you have maintenance issues, you must report them to the agent in timely manner, who will provide you with maintenance services.


Q: Are there any deposits and fees?

A: Typically, tenants need to pay a bond as a security deposit, which may be used to cover damages at the end of lease or unpaid fees.


Q: Can I have pets?

A: You must ask the landlord or agent for permission. You, including those with pets, have a responsibility to keep property clean, avoid damage, and not be a nuisance to others. You can complete a Pet Request Form and send it to the landlord for approval.


Q: Are furnishings provided?

A: This depends on the properties. Some landlords provide furnishings, while others require tenants to purchase their own.


Q: Can I terminate the lease early?

A: If you need to terminate the lease early, you need to apply to the landlord. Some landlords may allow early termination of the lease, but require additional fees.


Q: How do I renew my lease?

A: To renew your lease, you need to contact your landlord before the lease term ends and express your desire to renew.


Q: What is renters insurance?

A: Renters insurance is a type of insurance that covers a tenant's personal property in case of theft, damage, or loss.


Q: Who is responsible for repairs and maintenance?

A: The landlord is responsible for repairs and maintenance, unless the tenant caused the damage.


Q: How much notice do I need to give before moving out?

A: : If you seek to vacate the property at the end of current fixed term agreement and not enter into a fixed term agreement, you must give written notice of intention to vacate the premises specifying a termination date that is not less than 28-days after the day on which the renter gives notice to your Property Manager.


Q: What happens if I break the lease?

A: Breaking the lease can result in various consequences such as losing the security deposit, owing rent for the remaining lease term, and facing legal action from the landlord. It's important to read the lease agreement carefully and communicate with the landlord if there are any issues or concerns.